NUC accredits Novena University Nursing Science Programme


This is a testament to the state of facilities, qualified and experienced lecturers, and quality of the university’s Nursing Science programme, says Prof Godwin Nduka


Praises Provost, others for recent accreditation of Medicine for Novena University by the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria



The National Universities Commission (NUC) has accredited the Bachelor of Nursing Science programme of Novena University, Ogume.


The University’s nursing programme was granted full accreditation status by the NUC, the body responsible for the regulation of academic activities and standards of all Nigerian universities.


News of the Accreditation was contained in a letter from the NUC to the university dated 6th of June, 2024, and signed by Engr. Abraham Chundusu, Director of Accreditation, on behalf of the Executive Secretary of the National Universities Commission.


The Accreditation of the Novena University Nursing programme came as a result of a successful accreditation exercise carried out by the National Universities Commission during their last exercise.


Achieving a full accreditation status for nursing in the university is a testament to the state of facilities, qualified and experienced lecturers, and quality of the university’s Nursing Science programme.


Speaking on the development, the Vice-Chancellor of the university, Professor Godwin Nduka, commended the doggedness and excellent performance of the team that worked so hard to earn the full accreditation status for the Nursing programme.



He said that every member of the Nursing Department and the College of Medical and Health Sciences, headed by its Provost, Professor Ofili Charles, deserved the accolades being poured on them by stakeholders.


This accomplishment reverberates echoes of the recent accreditation of Medicine for Novena University by the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria (MDCN).


On that occasion, Dr. Nnaemeka Nwakamma, Director of Education, Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria, in representation of the Registrar of the Council, Dr. Fatimah Kyari, had commended Novena University for the excellent performance in the accreditation exercise and verification of the university’s facilities, faculty, and overall preparedness to run the Novena University College of Medical and Health Sciences’ programmes.


At the point of this report, the feelings of joy and satisfaction in the university atmosphere were palpable in the smiles that adorned the faces of the staff and students of the Department of Nursing.


In his remark, the Pro-Chancellor and Chairman, Governing Council of Novena University, Chuks Ochonogor, noted that the Novena University will continue to offer the best to the public especially the youths who desire skilled training to be gainfully employed to help build the nation. He saluted His Excellency, Rt. Hon. Francis Oborevwori for his continued support of Novena University through the creation of an enabling environment for education as well as other sectors of the economy to thrive.


At the point of filing this report, the feelings of joy and satisfaction in the university atmosphere were palpable in the smiles that adorned the faces of the staff and students of the Department of Nursing.





The Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria (MDCN) has accredited MEDICINE for Novena University/Asaba Specialist Hospital.


This feat was achieved through the commitment, drive, and resilience of Prof Ofili Charles, Provost of the College of Medical and Health Sciences, Novena University, and Dr. P. A. Ighosewe, Chief Medical Director, Asaba Specialist Hospital as well as the  prompt intervention of Dr Joseph Onojaeme, the Honourable Commissioner for Health, Delta State.


The commissioner’s belief in the PPP policy of the Delta State Government and his matching order to the combined team of Asaba Specialist Hospital/Novena University to get the results without failing paved the way for this phenomenal success.


The pronouncement of this great achievement was made during the recent  advisory and clinical accreditation visit to Novena University/Asaba Specialist Hospital by the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria.


This declaration was made by no less a personality than Dr. Nnaemeka Nwakamma, Director of Education, Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria, who led the team in representation of the Registrar of the Council, Dr Fatimah Kyari.


In a heartwarming exit speech, the leader of the team,  Dr Nwakamma Nnaemeka, speaking on behalf of the Registrar of the Council, commended the partnership of Novena University and the Delta State Government (Asaba Specialist Hospital), for the excellent performance in the accreditation exercise and verification of the university’s facilities, faculty, and overall preparedness to run the Novena University College of Medical and Health Sciences’ programmes.


According to him, this success makes Novena University one of the few universities across Nigeria to get Medicine accredited for it in the very first attempt.


He said that this success is phenomenal because this is an exercise that is professionally handled to ensure the seriousness and preparedness of the Novena/ASH team to produce medical doctors for the world.


By this accreditation, graduates of Novena University will be acceptable all over the world to practice medicine upon meeting the internal requirements of each country.


He further explained that the context of this success was based on the non-compromising insistence of the Council that standards must be met at all costs.


This, he adds, is the reason why Nigeria has continued to supply the world with qualified medical doctors.


He congratulated Novena University for this milestone achievement.


He concluded his speech with the proverbial expression that the management of Novena University and Asaba Specialist Hospital can begin to roll out and beat the drums of celebrations for a successful accreditation result.


This pronouncement was greeted with great relief and understandable joy by the combined team of management of Novena University and Asaba Specialist Hospital, who worked tirelessly and prayed for the positive outcome of the accreditation exercise.


Given the philosophy of excellence preached in Novena University and the frantic preparations that were put in place in readiness for the accreditation visit, the  positive outcome of the exercise follows the natural order that  “hard work pays.” In his response, the Vice-Chancellor of Novena University Professor Godwin Nduka expressed his profound gratitude to MDCN,  Dr. Nwakamma and members of his team who were drawn from universities and related professional bodies across Nigeria for their diligence and thoroughness in the performance of their responsibilities to the medical profession and the larger Nigerian society.


He had special commendations for Professor Ofili, Provost of the College of Medicine, Novena University; and Dr. P. A. Ighosewe, the CMD of Asaba Specialist Hospital, for their expertise, professionalism, and organisational abilities in guiding this winning team to the end of this success story.


He went on to salute  the Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of Governing Council of Novena University, Chuks Ochonogor, for his foresight, patronage, and exceptional leadership qualities that have resulted in this epochal accreditation success for Novena University College of Medicine and Health Sciences.


He concluded his speech with thankfulness for His Excellency,  Rt. Hon. Francis Oborevwori and his predecessor,  Dr. Arthur Okowa, who, as Governor and a Medical Doctor himself, saw to it that this fruitful marriage between Novena University and the Delta State Government was contracted


The Vice Chancellor’s expression of joy was equalled, if not surpassed, by the ecstatic and pulsating feelings of excitement that pervaded the Novena University atmospheric space when news of the successful accreditation filtered onto the campus in the afternoon of April 25, 2024.


This was especially so for the medical students who were understandably  concerned and anxious about the outcome of the accreditation, despite their deep sitted confidence in the capacity and capabilites of Novena University and their handlers. Now, they can go about their dreams of qualifying as medical doctors with renewed vigour and redoubtable reassurance that they have chosen a university that will deliver their dreams of becoming medical doctors of international reputation in no distant time from now.


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