The only way to guarantee peace, unity and stability of our nation is to uphold the Will of the people as expressed at the Polling Units in the February 25, 2023 Presidential election and the PDP is confident in the ability of the Judiciary to discharge its Constitutional duties in this regard independently

The only way to guarantee peace, unity and stability of our nation is to uphold the Will of the people as expressed at the Polling Units in the February 25, 2023 Presidential election and the PDP is confident in the ability of the Judiciary to discharge its Constitutional duties in this regard independently

The only way to guarantee peace, unity and stability of our nation is to uphold the Will of the people as expressed at the Polling Units in the February 25, 2023 Presidential election and the PDP is confident in the ability of the Judiciary to discharge its Constitutional duties in this regard independently

May 7, 2023
Press Conference
Press Conference by the National Publicity Secretary of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Hon. Debo Ologunagba on The Public Anxieties Over Alleged Plots by the APC to Influence the Outcome of the Petitions Before the Presidential Election Petition Tribunal.
Gentlemen of the press, the PDP has invited you this evening to alert Nigerians and the International Community of the shocking revelations, reports and allegations of plots by the All Progressives Congress (APC) to influence the outcome of the Presidential election Petition currently pending before the Presidential Election Petition Tribunal.
The PDP also alerts of recent intimidation, harassment, threats and vicious attacks by APC leaders against Nigerian youths and eminent Nigerian personalities for speaking out against APC’s planned moves to install a government that does not enjoy the mandate of majority of Nigerians as expressed at the Polling Units.
The alleged planned onslaught by APC leaders on eminent Nigerians and our democratic institutions, including the Judiciary, stems from APC’s apprehensions given the weight of evidence against it as well as the continuing refusal by majority of Nigerians to accept the outcome of the flawed Presidential election.
There are apprehensions in the public space, having regards to the reputation of certain individuals within the highest level of the APC who have demonstrated capacity and proclivity to compromise democratic institutions in our country.
It would be recalled that on Friday, May 5, 2023, our Party raised alarm over the massively condemned comments by the APC Presidential Candidate, Senator Bola Ahmed Tinubu at the commissioning of some judiciary projects in Port-Harcourt Rivers State, wherein he attempted to corrupt, cultivate and patronize the Judiciary.
More alarming are allegations in the public space of attempts by certain APC leaders to compromise the judiciary with heavy financial inducement and to orchestrate trumped-up allegations of impropriety against judicial officers.
The PDP calls on the APC and its leaders to immediately come clean and publicly address Nigerians and the world on these disturbing allegations and revelations which are already in the public domain.
Further to this is the provocative resort by the APC and its leaders to threaten Nigerians with treason for speaking out against the manipulations of our democratic processes by the APC.
For emphasis, majority of Nigerians are insisting on the review of the February 25, 2023 Presidential election because it was marred by wide-spread manipulations, open alteration of genuine election results from the Polling Units, allocation of fictitious figures to the APC and brazen violation of the provisions of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 (as amended), the Electoral Act, 2022 as well as INEC Manual and Guidelines by INEC itself in its declaration of a winner of the election.
The bizarre response by INEC, which is an umpire that ought to be independent, to the Petition of the PDP and our Candidate, Atiku Abubakar, requesting for the dismissal of our Petition, is further evidence of the complicity, corruption and compromise of INEC by the APC.
It is instructive for INEC and the APC to note that the tribunal hearing is part of the electoral process. The APC and INEC are therefore advised to halt further steps to hinder the ability of the Presidential Election Petition Tribunal to dispense justice in the matter in accordance with the law
The PDP therefore restates its call on the Judiciary to resist and insulate itself from the alleged and reported antics of the APC in the discharge of its Constitutional duties as independent and impartial arbiter in the pending Petition before the Presidential Election Petition Tribunal.
It is imperative to state that the reckless violation by INEC of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (as amended), the Electoral Act, 2022, INEC Guidelines and Manual in the 2023 Presidential election portend grave consequences to our democracy and political stability as a country.
The only way to guarantee peace, unity and stability of our nation is to uphold the Will of the people as expressed at the Polling Units in the February 25, 2023 Presidential election and the PDP is confident in the ability of the Judiciary to discharge its Constitutional duties in this regard independently.
Thank you and God bless Nigeria!

President Muhammadu Buhari on Wednesday in Abuja launched a new long-term national development plan, the Nigeria Agenda 2050 (NA 2050), which aims to ensure that the country attains a Per Capita GDP of $33,328 per annum, placing her among the top middle-income economies in the world by 2050.
The President inaugurated NA 2050 before the commencement of the meeting of the Federal Executive Council at the Council Chamber.
He said the Plan has the vision of a dynamic, industrialized and knowledge-based economy that generates inclusive and sustainable development for the country.
He added that given the measures already in place for continuous plan implementation, successive Administrations will find the document useful in the delivery of electoral promises.
‘‘You will recall that in March, 2020, I approved the development of successor Plans to both Nigeria Vision 20:2020 and the Economic Recovery and Growth Plan (ERGP), 2017-2020. The Plans lapsed in December, 2020.
‘‘To give effect to this approval, I inaugurated the National Steering Committee in September, 2020 under the leadership of the Hon. Minister of Finance, Budget and National Planning and a Distinguished private sector operator, Mr. Atedo Peterside.
‘‘The Steering Committee is to superintend the preparation of the Nigeria Agenda 2050 and the National Development Plan (NDP), 2021-2025 to succeed the Nigeria Vision 20: 2020 and Economic Recovery and Growth Plan (ERGP), 2017-2020, respectively.
‘‘At the inauguration, I charged the Steering Committee to prepare inclusive Plans that would cover all shades of opinion and ensure even and balanced development, as well as put in place necessary legislations for continuous implementation of Plans even after the expiration of the tenure of successive Administrations.
‘‘This was achieved with the preparation of the Volume III of the NDP that deals with Legislative Imperatives for identified binding constraints to Plan implementation in Nigeria.
‘‘It is instructive to inform Council and indeed all Nigerians that I had on December 22, 2021 launched the first of the six number 5-year medium term plans, the National Development Plan (NDP), 2021-2025, that will be used to implement the Long-Term Plan.
‘‘Council also on March 15, 2023 approved the Nigeria Agenda 2050 that we are launching today,’’ he said.
Commending the National Steering Committee, led by the Minister of Finance, Budget and National Planning, Zainab Ahmed and the Minister of State, Budget and National Planning, Prince Clem Agba, for delivering yet again, on this important national assignment, the President described the unveiling and public presentation of NA 2050 as another milestone in the ‘‘annals of history of our planning experience, post-independence.’’
He added that this feat has also shown the Administration’s commitment to planning and plan implementation since assumption of office on May 29, 2015.
On the process for the preparation of the Plan, the Minister of Finance stated that it was not only participatory and consultative but inclusive; involving all critical stakeholders such as, all Federal Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs), 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory as well as the representatives of Local Government Areas (LGAs).
She listed other stakeholders as the Organised Private Sector, youth organisations, labour unions, traditional and religious institutions, major political parties, women organisations, people with special needs, among others.
‘‘The Nigeria Agenda 2050 is formulated against the backdrop of subsisting economic and social challenges facing the country, including low, fragile and non-inclusive growth, insecurity, high population growth rate, limited concentric economic diversification and low productivity.
‘‘The Plan is a long-term economic transformation blueprint designed to address these challenges,’’ she said.
Ahmed also told the President and other FEC members present at the inauguration that with the expected improved capital accumulation, investment as a ratio of GDP is expected to increase from the current 29.40 per cent to 40.11 per cent by 2050.
She explained that under the Plan, the bulk of the investment is expected to be financed by the private sector while total employment is expected to rise to 203.41 million in 2050 from 46.49 million in 2020.
‘‘This implies that unemployment will drop significantly to 6.3 per cent in 2050 from 33.3 per cent in 2020. The corollary is that the number of people in poverty will drop to 2.1 per cent by 2050 from 83 million in 2020,’’ the Finance Minister said.
Femi Adesina
Special Adviser to the President
(Media & Publicity)
May 3, 2023

President Muhammadu Buhari welcomes the completion and delivery of 300 housing units of two-bedroom each and other livelihood enhancing infrastructure at two Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) camps in Borno State.
The housing units and the other infrastructure, constructed by the Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Sustainable Development Goals (OSSAP-SDGs) were delivered at the IDPs camps in Gwoza and Nganzai Local Government Areas (LGAs) of the State.
Specifically, 200 housing units, a fully equipped 20-Bed Primary healthcare centre, skill acquisition centre, a mini sports pavilion and a community hall were inaugurated at the IDPs camp in Nganzai.
The other facilities unveiled for the displaced persons at the local government include a fully furnished four blocks of twenty-four classrooms, a water scheme with full reticulation, access roads and an integrated 400 units of solar streetlights.
The President commends the OSSAP-SDGs for delivering for use the IDPs 100 housing units in Gwoza, a fully equipped 20-bed Primary Healthcare Centre and a quarter for security operatives.
The other projects unveiled include three fully furnished blocks of six classrooms, a water scheme with complete reticulation, access roads, 500 poles of integrated solar streetlights and market lockup/open shops.
The projects in Gwoza and Nganzai LGs were commissioned on Wednesday 26 April and Thursday 27 April respectively at an event attended by top officials of Borno government led by Governor Babagana Umara Zulum, traditional and religious leaders, federal and state lawmakers as well as the management of OSSAP-SDGs.
Speaking at the event, Princess Adejoke Orelope-Adefulire, the Senior Special Assistant to the President on SDGs, expressed appreciation to President Buhari for providing the needed resources that have enabled her Office to work closely with sub-national governments to deliver key interventions to fast-track the achievement of the 2023 agenda.
Orelope-Adefulire, also appreciated the Borno State Government for the support given to her Office to deliver on the initiative.
The SSAP-SDGs noted that the projects were in line with the promise of the President to lift 100 million Nigerians out of poverty in 10 years with emphasis on delivery of key interventions with multiplier effects on multi-dimensional poverty, such as basic healthcare, vocational skills development and education provisioning as well as the North East Stabilisation and Development Master Plan (NESDMP).
She added that the interventions were also meant to help Nigeria accelerate the progress on the SDGs by 2030 and the Borno State Strategic Development Plan by 2024.
“It is worthy to mention that the provision of decent and affordable housing is a fundamental human right, enshrined in the Sustainable Development Goal 11, which seeks to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable. These housing units, alongside the other facilities, will go a long way in improving the living conditions of the Internally Displaced Persons and ensuring their safety and resilience,” she said.
The presidential aide added that the facilities have spillover effects on other related Sustainable Development Goals, including SDG 1, which seeks to end poverty; SDG 2, which seeks to end hunger and promote food security; SDG 3, which seeks to promote good health and well-being; SDG 4, which seeks to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education; SDG 5, which seeks to achieve gender equality; SDG 6, which seeks to ensure access to clean water and sanitation and SDG 7, which seeks to ensure access to affordable and clean energy.
The projects are also in line with SDG 8, which seeks to promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth; SDG 9, which seeks to promote resilient infrastructure and sustainable industrialization; SDG 10, which seeks to reduce inequalities; SDG 13, which seeks to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts; SDG 16, which seeks to promote peaceful and inclusive societies; and SDG 17, which seeks to strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.
“My office and Borno State Government have worked closely to complete these interventions which demonstrate our commitment to providing sustainable infrastructure that meets the needs of the communities. We look forward to working together to achieve more SDGs in Borno State and Nigeria at large so that “No-One is Left Behind,” the SSAP-SDGs added.
Also speaking during the inauguration of the projects in Nganzai, Gov. Zulum hailed President Buhari and OSSAP-SDGs for the projects for the benefit of people, who were displaced by the insurgency in the state.
He noted that housing is a critical aspect of the resettlement and rehabilitation process for communities affected by the insurgency and the projects executed by OSSAP-SDGs in the State are the largest single intervention by any organisation since the beginning of the insurgency in the state.
“This will enhance the living condition of the people, and also provide a sense of security and stability,” he said.
Governor Zulum also reiterated his commitment to the resettlement and rehabilitation of communities affected by the insurgency.
Femi Adesina
Special Adviser to the President
(Media & Publicity)
May 3, 2023

President Muhammadu Buhari warmly congratulates former Director General of the National Sports Commission (NSC), Al-Hassan Yakmut Saleh, on his 62nd birthday, May 5, 2023, rejoicing with the administrator, who has contributed immensely to the development of sports in Nigeria, starting out as a professional volleyball player.
President Buhari extols Saleh for his passion and resilience in the growth of sports and the well-being of athletes, working over many years with four ministers of sports, with extensive knowledge in sports administration, which gracefully translated into gains when he served as the Director General of the NSC.
The President affirms the historic roles of the administrator in national development, serving variously as Director/Secretary to Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps (NSCDC), Nigeria Correctional Services (NCS), and Nigeria Immigration Services (NIS) Board in the Ministry of Interior, Director Planning, Research and Statistics in the Ministry of Niger Delta Affairs and Director of Employee Relations and Welfare in the Office of the Head of Civil Service of the Federation.
President Buhari prays for the well-being of the sports administrator and his family.
Femi Adesina
Special Adviser to the President
(Media & Publicity)
May 4, 2023

President Muhammadu Buhari felicitates with Felix Onuah, one of the longest serving State House correspondents, on the occasion of his 60th birthday.
Onuah was first assigned to cover the State House in 1991 and since then has continued on the job for several media organizations.
In 32 years, he has had the rare privilege of reporting eight Heads of State and Government, from Dodan Barracks, Lagos to Aso Rock, Abuja, beginning from General Ibrahim Babangida to President Buhari.
As a government that values the importance of press freedom and freedom of expression to democracy, the President commends the State House correspondent for Reuters World News Agency for maintaining a high standard of journalism over the years through objective and informed reporting, free from any political interference.
The President trusts that the versatile journalist, who is a calm and courageous voice among his colleagues in the State House Press Corps, will continue with the remarkable legacy of delivering news about Nigeria and the seat of government with insight, integrity, balance and knowledge.
President Buhari joins family, friends, colleagues and members of the State House Press Corps in wishing the veteran journalist with 36 years of experience more prosperous years in health and vitality.
Garba Shehu
Senior Special Assistant to the President
(Media & Publicity)
May 5, 2023

President Muhammadu Buhari sends birthday wishes to the Chairman of the Northern Governors Forum and Governor of Plateau State, Simon Bako Lalong as he marks his 60th birthday, expressing gratitude for the immense affection shown to him by the Governor and the people of Plateau State.
“I express my special gratitude to Governor Lalong as he marks his landmark birthday. I thank you for the trust you have in our friendship.”
Lauding Governor Lalong for the work he has done since taking oath of office and the decisions he has taken in the last eight years, President Buhari said:
“These reflect his effectiveness as a leader. On matters of the security and wellbeing of the people, the Governor is an example for the whole country. I believe a great future lies ahead for him.”
In wishing him many happy years ahead, President Buhari urged Governor Lalong to continue to bring convenience and respect to the people of his state.
Garba Shehu
Senior Special Assistant to the President
(Media & Publicity)
May 5, 2023

President Muhammadu Buhari has asked the Senate to confirm the appointment of 12 nominees as members of the Governing Board of the North East Development Commission (NEDC).
The President’s request is contained in a letter addressed to Senate President Ahmed Lawan dated May 3, 2023.
‘‘In accordance with the provision of Part 1, section 2(5)(b) of the North East Development Commission Establishment Act, 2017, I am pleased to present for confirmation by the Senate, the appointment of twelve (12) nominees as tabulated below, in the Governing Board of the North East Development Commission.
‘‘The Senate is invited to note that the tenure of the current Governing Board of the North East Development Commission will end on 7th May, 2023.’’
The nominees include: Barr. Bashir Bukar Baale, Chairman, (North East, Yobe), Suwaiba Idris Baba, Executive Director, Humanitarian Affairs, (North East, Taraba), Musa Umar Yashi, Executive Director, Administration and Finance, (North East, Bauchi), Dr Ismaila Nuhu Maksha, Executive Director, Operations (North East, Adamawa) and Umar Abubakar Hashidu, MD/CEO, (North East, Gombe).
Others are Grema Ali, member, (North East, Borno), Onyeka Gospel-Tony, member, (South East), Hon. Mrs Hailmary Ogolo Aipoh, member, (South-South), Air Commodore Babatunde Akanbi (rtd), member, (South West), Mustapha Ahmed Ibrahim, member, (North West), Hadiza Maina, member, (North Central) and a representative from the Federal Ministry of Finance, Budget and National Planning.
The President expressed hope that his request ‘‘will receive the usual expeditious consideration and confirmation of the Senate.’’
Garba Shehu
Senior Special Assistant to the President
(Media & Publicity)
May 5, 2023

President Muhammadu Buhari Friday in London expressed satisfaction with the conduct of the 2023 general elections in Nigeria considering the turnout of voters and the generally peaceful atmosphere under which it took place. He added that the country learnt lessons which would make subsequent polls even better.
The President stated this while addressing his colleagues at the Commonwealth Leaders Summit as part of the major events leading to the coronation of His Majesty King Charles III as King of the United Kingdom and Leader of the Commonwealth.
The theme of the event focused on the future of the Commonwealth as a body and the role of the Youth.
According to the President, “these elections saw a remarkable turnout of voters and proof that Nigeria’s democracy is maturing. Despite some pockets of violence, we have demonstrated that a government can be elected peacefully and fairly.
“Lessons have been learnt and moving forward, we hope to perform even better. Based on this, I am delighted to note that we have taken another step towards deepening our democracy with peaceful, transparent and credible outcomes. Though we are aware that challenges still exist, we are committed to working towards a greater participation of all Nigerians in the democratic process, including those in the diaspora.”
While thanking the Commonwealth for sending a team to witness the conduct of the elections, he noted that the elections were generally free and fair, and the mood of the Nation after the announcement of the winners so far shows that democracy in Nigeria is maturing and can only get better.
President Buhari highlighted the key role Nigerian youths played during the elections as well as in support of national development, attributing a great part of this youth participation in the General Elections to the assent of ‘Not Too Young To Run’ Bill signed into law by his Administration in 2018.
He announced that Nigeria would also host the Commonwealth Youth and Students Summit for African Region, with the theme, ‘Making Change Happen’ in Abuja from May 9-11, this year.
The Nigerian leader used the opportunity to bid farewell to his colleagues, expressing joy at shared aspirations and values within the period:
“As I come before you today, I am also mindful that this would be my last official engagement with His Majesty The King and some of you as I leave office on 29 May 2023. I, therefore, feel both humble and grateful for this extraordinary and significantly important moment.
“Over the years, I have worked cordially with the leaders of Commonwealth to achieve the values and principles of the Commonwealth which are shared by its members – the aspirations of the Commonwealth family which include positioning it to be a strong and respected voice in the world and improving the lives of all its citizens are being vigorously pursued,” he said.
Femi Adesina
Special Adviser to the President
(Media & Publicity)
May 5, 2023


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