Press Statement
*Senate’s rejection of Special Bill for Women, a great setback
*Reps on path of posterity
Today, as the World marks the International Women’s Day, it is with an admixture of hope and despair that I identify with our Women folk. Be hopeful because the journey to the final berth of the most desirable moment shall remain undaunted. Remain focused. And, it is, undoubtedly, a sting of despair that there are still, fundamental existential challenges confronting us all in this journey.
Specifically, last week’s rejection of the Bill by the Senate to create the required leverage for our Women is unarguably, a great disincentive. Without prejudice to the sense of judgement of the Senate, we have, as a Nation, embarked on an insiduous self-denying trip. It is a great set-back because we have derobed ourselves of an ample opportunity for progress and development. The World is watching !
I am convinced, extraneous issues may have been allowed an uncanny space in taking a decision on that Bill. We have moved backwards in the most undiscernably inexplicable manner. We have taken a painful decision that seeks to insulate and detach wider, our dear Nation from Modernity.
In unambiguous terms, our Women have come of age; their virtuous and indelible marks of honour as well as dexterous individual determinations, not only toward self-development, but their displayed benevolence and compassion for humanity are huge narratives that cannot be discountenanced by society.
Examples abound in limitless counts all over Nigeria. We cannot all be oblivious of the exploits of our Mothers, Wives, Sisters and Daughters. If not now, when can we be proud of this great breed and specie of humans. How else do we intend to show gratitude to God?
At this point, I must salute the courage of the House of Representatives that has demonstrated its readiness to align with the mood of the Nation. The Green Chambers, by the decision to revisit the Bill clearly shows that all hope is not lost, after all. I, Oluwarotimi Odunayo Akeredolu, SAN shall, alongside persons of likemind, leverage on this window of hope to break the yokes of oppression against Women.
Proudly, I stand ‘Gidigba’ with women on this course and many others to liberate women from the artificial barricades and shackles constructed by men and the society at large. Not even the challenge of the seemingly natural mien of needless envy that pervades the Women folk itself can discourage me. With shrewd determination, ceaseless display of courage and candour we shall all together, overcome this challenge that seeks to hold down our Women from advancement.
Ji Masun, ti e ba sun o lewu(wake up, do not sleep; careless sleep has consequences)
Arakunrin Oluwarotimi O. Akeredolu, SAN
Governor, Ondo State
March 8, 2022


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